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Fundraiser Shirts

View and purchase shirts to help GO Time

About the Fundraiser

Help us raise money to build our new building! Proceeds will go to GO Time to help us reach phase 2! Want to know more check out our GO Time page here

Go Therefore - 3/4 Sleeve

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus told us to GO and make disciples of all nations. There was no time to waste. We wanted to show that urgent call to GO with this shirt.

Long sleeve shirt with green sleeves and text saying go therefore matthew 28:19 Go Therefore | $25

Make Disciples - Short Sleeve

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus told us to GO and make disciples of all nations. We want to stay focused and remind ourselves of our calling with this shirt.

Gray t shirt with text saying make disciples 28:19 Make Disciples | $25

Light House Mission - Short Sleeve

Friends. Family. Faith. That's what Light House Church is all about. We want to embody that everywhere we go with this shirt.

Black t shirt with text saying light house where friends become family and grow in faith together Light-House | $25