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Girl's Ministry

Explore safe and fun opportunities for young ladies. Wednesdays from 6:45 to 8:15pm.

We are committed to helping girls (Pre-K through 12th grade) become confident, godly women who are leaders in their church, home, and world.

Our goal is simple: To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize her importance and potential in the kingdom of God.

What We Do

Girls encounter challenging situations as they grow up. By intentionally fostering relationships between girls and leaders through Girls Ministry, we create a safe environment for girls to discuss issues they face and get godly counsel. Most importantly, Girls Ministries show each girl that she is loved, wanted, and accepted.


We meet every Wednesday night from 6:45-8:15pm. See the schedule below for specific dates!

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The 2024-2025 schedule will be released shortly.